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Peaceful Places to Rest and Pray
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A Legacy of Faith, Healing and Peace

Come, Rejoice in His Love.
Living as a young adult can be confusing. Between school and work, friends and first loves, colleges and careers, young adults often feel as though they are being pulled in many different directions. What our young visitors seek is a place to step away from the confusion of everyday life and hear God’s guiding voice. Malvern Retreat House offers teens and young adults the chance to connect with others their age, discuss the challenges they face, and quietly reflect on God’s plan for their lives.
We invite teens and young people of all ages to journey to Malvern Retreat House, including:
- Pre-teens
- Teens
- Students
- 20-somethings
But the Lord answered me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ To whomever I send you, you shall go; whatever I command you, you shall speak.”
Jeremiah 1:7
Featured Retreats & Events
Experience Kairos
The well-known Kairos Retreat Program for high school teens is one of the most vibrant and energizing events offered at Malvern Retreat House. Designed to give young adults a chance to encounter God’s love in a tangible and transformative way, the retreat also allows teens to connect to one another, forging lifelong bonds.

“The Young Adult Retreat at Malvern was a wonderful experience. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of so many young adults gathered together in one place. It was a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends and to meet some new ones.”
Becca Pine, Retreatant
A Prayer for Youth
Gracious and Loving God, help these young men and women to be a light for all the world to see, in all the places they live and work. Let their light shine for all peoples: for their families, for their church communities, for their cultures and societies, for the economic and political systems, for the whole world. Make these men and women bearers of Christ’s peace. Send them, Father, as you sent your son: to free their brothers and sisters from fear and sin. We ask this of you, in Christ’s name. Amen.
Patron Saints for Youth
- St. Bathildis
Patron Saint of Children - St. Agnes
Patron Saint of Young Girls - St. Aloysius Gonzaga
Patron Saint of Young Christians - St. Maria Goretti
Patron Saint of Young People - St. Dominic Savio
Patron Saint of Troubled Youth