St. Joh Paul II Cross @ MRH
May 24, 2024

This week, the 40’ cross built for Pope St. John Paull II The Great’s Philadelphia visit was moved from St. Charles Seminary to its new permanent home at Malvern Retreat House.
“We are honored to receive this incredible gift,” noted Michael Norton, President of Malvern Retreat House.
Since 1979, the papal cross has towered over the property of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Built for Pope John Paul II’s visit, the temporarily installed along the Ben Franklin Parkway for the papal Mass.
After John Paull II’s visit, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the city of Philadelphia agreed to move the cross from the Parkway to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Since 1979, the cross stood at the corner of Wynnewood Rd. and City Avenue. A helicopter was used to transport the cross to Wynnewood.
Today, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has generously gifted this important artifact to Malvern Retreat House, the largest and oldest Catholic retreat center in the United States.
“This cross will become an important part of our sacred grounds,” explained Norton. “It is so fitting that we are receiving this beautiful gift.” John Paul II was particularly dedicated to the youth. He was incredibly popular with young people, Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Malvern Retreat house is especially committed to young Catholics. We host thousands of high school students on annual retreats.
Moreover, Malvern Retreat House recently completed construction of a shrine to Blessed Carlo Acutis. This week, Pope Francis recognized a second miracle attributed to the intercession of Carlo Acutis, paving the way for him to become the first “millennial saint.” The shrine includes a permanent exhibit to Eucharistic Miracles and has become a pilgrimage destination for countless young people from our region and across the nation.

The Papal Cross will find a new and permanent home at the foot of the great lawn on Malvern’s 125-acre campus. The installation will take place in the coming months with a long-term vision to construct an altar for Mass and adoration.

Malvern Retreat House, owned by the Lay Catholic League since 1912, hosts over 20,000 people each year. Visitors seeking to retreat from the noise to hear God’s voice travel from across the nation to visit Malvern. We host over 250 retreats annually.